One Partnership Introduction

Last Updated Wednesday 02:12 PM

Join Our One Partnership Introduction Webinars

We're excited to inform you about our One Partnership Introduction Webinar, where we delve into how OnePropertee can transform your real estate business. Take the chance to learn about the unique benefits of our partnership program, including receiving pre-qualified leads!

📅 Date: Every Wednesday (Starting May 8, 2024, and ending May 29, 2024.)

⏰ Time: 2 PM

⏳ Duration: 30 - 60 minutes

🌐 Google Meet Link -


  • Gain insights on how the One Partnership can help your sales grow.

  • Learn about the benefits of no upfront costs with our service fee structure.

  • Ask questions and get real-time answers.

🔗 Secure your spot by registering here: Registration Link


What is the One Partnership Program?

The One Partnership Program is designed to grow your sales by delivering pre-qualified leads directly to your properties, facilitating more successful deals. Our precise promotion, matching, and pre-qualification process connects your properties with ready buyers or renters for more successful transactions.


How does One Partnership work?


What is the service fee structure of the One Partnership program?

Partner will pay a service fee after closing a transaction with the pre-qualified leads endorsed to them by OnePropertee. The service fee is structured as follows:

  • 1% of the total sale price for property sales.

  • 20% of the monthly rental cost for property rentals.

This payment structure is designed to minimize upfront costs, allowing you to benefit from the program without significant initial investment.


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